Below budgeted occupancy? Read this now!

Below budgeted occupancy? Read this now!

There’s nothing worse than having the owners breathing down your neck about occupancy. I mean you are busy enough without having to turn in some watch list report at the end of the day, right? Well hey, we have a solution. You need to buy a mini model kit from Stylecrate.

Why you might ask? Why not just have Lindsay from the office go out and buy one? She has such great taste! Well, if Lindsay is out shopping, who is answering the phones? You? Who is following up with prospects? OK, let’s not even pretend for a second that you have the time to be doing that. You have report after report to turn in, projects to manage and leases to execute. Let’s have Lindsay stay in the office so that the inbound calls are being answered and her awesome personality is selling the property instead of chatting it up with the cashier at TJ Maxx. Her skills are needed on site. 

Speaking of time, how about all those receipts from Lindsay’s shopping excursion? Well, you have to enter those in for your credit card to get paid. Target, TJ Maxx, Michaels, Dollar Tree… that’s all time that you could be spending on other things like sales training for your team to keep you off the naughty list in the future. Buy the kit from stylecrate, enter one receipt. Easy!

This  just has to be said one more time, when your team is out shopping they are missing opportunities to follow up with prospects and show off the property. When your 8 week trend is low everyone goes into freak out mode. Order the mini model kit from stylecrate. Tell everyone to calm down. We have a plan here, ok?

We’re going to help you get through this. When the kit arrives here’s what you do with it:

Refill your coffee cup, read this article and get ready to take the bull by the horns. You will be soaring above budgeted occupancy in no time. 

Subscribe to our email list for more support from the team and check out our other blog posts on tips for crushing your occupancy goals. Keep your head up, breathe, work that hustle! Pressure makes the diamond and we’ve got your back! By the way, you are doing great!